you like my outdated MCR reference
I've been wanting to draw Emilio as a teenager/kid for a long long time so to start off my brand new sketchbook I decided to finally do it !
Little content warning for implied sexual abuse (I think it's the best I can describe it ?), there's nothing graphic or explicit but oh well, better safe than sorry (by now y'all are probably aware that this is not a 'wholesome only' place)
Also, did I ever say that Emilio bleaches his hair (Renaissance stlye ofc). He was born this perfect nearly white haired angel, but he actually grew up to be more of a dirty blond.
Apparently during the Renaissance in Firenze, it was not unusual for some people to give their sons to political figure for 'dates' and sexual favors in exchange for money/political favors/etc… Of course it wasn't something you'd talk about because it's pretty much corruption with another layer of yikes, but it wasn't a 'one dude did this once' thing. (tho as with any of my historical fun fact, remember I'm not an historian so take everything with a grain of salt, I'm just taking what I find interesting)(if I ever stumble upon the book that talked about this again, I'll let you know, this was pretty interesting)
So yeah ! Turns out when you make your son date guys for a while, he MIGHT not be too happy to marry a woman when he's of age. Emilio's father should have seen it coming.
And a little reference to Alexandre Cabanel's l'Ange Déchu because I just love the intense look in this painting, and it just fit so well with everything Emilio felt at this time.
and some sweeter thing to wrap everything's up. He ends up fine, all things considered.